Membership shall be held by individuals involved or interested in agriculture regardless of race, color, sex, creed, or national origin who subscribe to the objectives of WIFE.  

Each State has additional dues and those vary among states. Your national dues are critical to our success.

Types of memberships:

A. Regular Members: $60 + State Dues  

  • An individual who is a member of a state chapter and pays annual state (where required) and national dues.

  • All Regular Members shall have one (1) vote.

B. Member at Large: $60

  • An individual in a state that does not have an organized local chapter.

  • All Members at Large shall have one (1) vote.

C. Supporting Member: $60

  • An individual or business who makes financial or in-kind contributions to WIFE.

  • Supporting Member may attend meetings but have no vote.

D. Junior Member: $25

  • An individual up to twenty-two years as of January 1.

  • Junior WIFE members may attend meetings without a vote unless serving as a Chairman.                      

Join online below or download mailable form HERE.

Regular Member
from $60.00
Member at Large
Supporting Member

Junior Member
2017 National President , Kerry Froese, and her family participating in the National WIFE Pink Pumpkin Project bringing awareness to breast cancer.

2017 National President , Kerry Froese, and her family participating in the National WIFE Pink Pumpkin Project bringing awareness to breast cancer.

Colorado WIFE President, Cathy Scherler, heading to the US Capitol for briefings from the Senate Ag Committee.

Colorado WIFE President, Cathy Scherler, heading to the US Capitol for briefings from the Senate Ag Committee.

Demand USA Beef! Selling these bumper stickers is of WIFE’s fundraisers.

Demand USA Beef! Selling these bumper stickers is of WIFE’s fundraisers.