What is WIFE

Women Involved in Farm Economics (WIFE) was established in December, 1976 as a non-partisan voice for women in agriculture and the operations they represent. Due to the nurturing and undying determination from each of its members, WIFE is now one of the most respected and viable agriculture organizations in the nation.   

Core Beliefs:

  • American agriculture is our nation's most vital renewable industry.

  • The "family farm" concept is the most efficient and reliable source of a secure food supply system.

  • Improving profitability on farms and ranches is essential to improve the standard of living for both rural and urban populations.

  • Profitability is the only way to maintain farm production capabilities and retain a reservoir of expertise in the hands and minds of people who know how to produce; therefore insuring a domestic and world wide food supply.

  • Agriculture, timber, mining and oil production are all dependent upon the wise use of our natural resources and should not be imposed of any unnecessary or burdensome obligations resulting in the decline of jobs and revenues.

  • Input from food and fiber producers is essential in shaping agricultural policy.

For more detailed information on WIFE's policy, please click the link below. 
